DuraSeal Vent & Trim Finish Satin Spray 11.5 oz
Price per Unit (piece):

DuraSeal Vent & Trim Finish Spray (gloss sheen) is a self-leveling transparent, tough finish formulated to repair wood floor finishes. It is available in gloss, semi-gloss and satin. This product contains no CFC's.
see DuraSeal Vent & Trim Finish technical data sheet
manufacturer part# 83310000
packaging: 11.5 oz metal can
Do not use over shellac, lacquer or stains containing wax or stearates.
Surface Preparation
• Sand old, worn, or damaged area until surface is dull. Be sure to feather edge the sanding to avoid lap-marks.
• Remove all dust with a cloth dampened with mineral spirits and allow to dry.
• Shake can vigorously for one minute after pellets are loose in can.
• Hold can vertically approximately 12 inches from surface.
• Move can evenly across surface with slightly overlapping strokes. NOTE: Apply in thin uniform coats.
• Let dry at least 12 hours before subjecting to traffic.
Mineral Spirits
CONTENTS UNDER PRESSURE. Avoid prolonged exposure to sunlight or heat from other sources that may cause bursting. Do not store above 1200F.