Fortifiber Red Rosin Paper 36 inchx167 feet
Price per Unit (piece):

Fortifiber Red Rosin Paper is commonly used as a temporary and disposable general purpose work-over paper to protect surfaces from foot traffic, wall and ceiling texture overspray and paint drippings.
Fortifiber Red Rosin Paper is a single-ply sized kraft paper product. It contains post consumer recycled content and can be recycled again through a recycling center. Red rosin paper is sized to resist shrinkage. Fortifiber Red Rosin Paper is ”Made in the USA”.
Roll size:
• width: 36"
• length: 167' (500 sq.ft.)
Fortifiber Red Rosin Paper weighs approximately 17 lbs. (3.5 lbs./100 sq.ft.) per roll. Fortifiber Red Rosin Paper is recyclable and resistant to bleed-through.
Installation instructions:
In general, clean surface of all debris to avoid puncture of the red rosin paper. Unroll and cut paper to desired length and, as needed, overlap paper a minimum of 4"-6". Tape seams as required for the specific application.
Store product in a dry, clean environment free from excessive heat or cold.